Our in-house production capabilities

CNC Turning Centres
We have CNC taming centers of renowned makes with/without bar feeders with capacity upto 300 mm

Sliding Head AutoMats
Our conventional machining set-up includes Tomas, Blechler, Strom machines from 4 mm diameter to 25 mm diameter. These machines are supported by SPMs and secondary operation machines

Swiss Type Sliding CNC
Two citizen sliding head machines with 5 axis capabilities upto 20 mm diameter

New Additions In 2017
We added 3 new and 2 used CNC machines in 2017-18 of Ace Micromatic, LMW, Nakamura and Takisawa make. This has increased our production capacity substantially

Vertical Machining Center
Vertical machining center with 4 axis capabilities in various sizes

Future Plans
We intend to invest more into advance machines with higher accuracy level, able to finish jobs in one set-up